Photo Gallery [glowa.org]
Regional Conference of GLOWA-Danube on 26. April 2010 in Munich
(Further information are available soon.)
National GLOWA-Conference of GLOWA-Danube and GLOWA-Elbe from 12. – 14. October in Potsdam
Further information are available on the GLOWA-Homepage)
The 2nd Workshop serial in the framework of GLOWA-Danube will start in autumn this year. Aim of these workshops is to inform about the further development of the future scenarios to the impact of climate change and the strategies for adaption to and mitigation of consequences of climate change in the Upper Danube watershed. The workshops afford the opportunity for all actors involved to bring in your questions and requests and to discuss factually with the responsible scientist and the present stakeholders. The topics and dates of the GLOWA-Danube workshops are as follows:
Registration for one of the workshops under specifications of contact information and totopic/date informally by e-mail to ana-isabel.eichel@ifok.de. The Number of participants is limited to approx. 20 persons. A detailed program will be sent together with the confirmation of participation previously to the workshops.
Dr. Hannah Büttner
Senior Consultant
Tal 21
D - 80331 Munich
phone: +49 (0)89 24 22 35 2-11
mobile: +49 (0)170 79 01 56 2